Friday, May 24, 2013

As Sister Crow flies...

"As the crow flies" is a term used to express the shortest distance between two points.
What is the shortest distance between Heavenly Father and us? Is it the distance between our knees and the floor? Our hands and our scriptures? Our house and the church? Or is it the 4125 miles between my home in St. George, Utah and my future LDS mission in Lima, Peru?
If asked these questions, I would answer, the only distance between our Heavenly Father and us is the distance we put in our hearts. A beloved spiritual mentor of mine once said, "If you're not close to God, guess who moved." Have you moved away from God?
With that thought, I made a decision in the last four or five months to be as close to my Heavenly Father as I could, to do whatever was needed to close that distance between us, and to take the most direct route.
In February of 2013 I made the decision to serve a mission in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and it was a tough decision. But as many options as I juggled, as many choices as I calculated the pros and cons for, I could not be more certain that this is thus far the greatest decision I have made in my entire life. It has been a struggle and a hardship to remain certain and confident but all burdens are made light through Christ.
As I mentioned, I have been called to serve an 18 month mission in Lima, Peru. Heavenly Father could not have picked a more perfect place to send me and my calling is a testament that He truly knows my heart. It has been an incredible adventure preparing for my calling, but I know the journey only continues as I prepare to go to Peru, as the crow flies. <3

Crow by ~As00